Remember - No contractor signs

We live in a community of homeowners who are very interested in the upkeep of our homes. We keep the exterior of our homes looking good with regular painting, fence repair, and landscaping changes. We add to the value and enjoyment of our homes by adding pools, patio covers, etc. The Association provides the method for requesting changes through the Architectural Review Committee. When you are ready to make a change, it is required to fill out and submit an Architectural Change Form. This form can be found on the "ARC - What, why, and how" page under the Architecture Review tab.

In addition, as you work with contractors to get bids on the work, please remember the DC&R regulation on signs:

DC&R VIII.A.15 - Signs. No sign, of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any part of Lot except one professional sign per dwelling of not more, than five (5) square feet advertising a dwelling for sale or rent, or used by Contract Seller or Builder to advertise dwellings during the construction and sale period. The Declarant is permitted to use larger signs and erect permanent signs near the entrances of the Subdivision.